Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Why should anyone keep on a continued trend of fruitlessness without desiring for change? Life without meaningful productivity is not worth living. Certainly, anyone whose contentment is only on life as usual can never establish an outstanding biography.

Our Lord Jesus says; “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Living a life independent of God is the cause of fruitlessness or non-productivity. The Lord intends that we maintain a relationship with Him to an intimate level; this link connects to a meaningful blessed lifestyle.

“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” (John 15:2)

Isolating oneself from the source of productivity causes life to wither; on the other hand, sticking to the God’s Source results into His keen pruning handling care for abundant fruitfulness.

How many of us will confidently risk it; running to God for every little detail of their lives; trusting Him in the bid to pleasing Him according to scriptures as His perfect will. This ministry approach breaks the yoke of vicious circles; the Kingdom seekers as their number one priority will set the pace for the supernatural ministry.      


The Israelites of old demanded for a king to rule over them not as God’s people but as the heathen nations did. Samuel was highly disturbed by their ungodly approach to this leadership pursuit. But God told him; 

…"Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.” (1Samuel 8:7)

People’s rebellion is always detected in their rejection of God as King over them. What even worsens this kind of behavior is the blatant agitation to imitate the world’s approach to leadership.  

This is the today’s church predicament; failing to obey the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ about His institution of God’s Kingdom on earth which had dragged us into a filthy collaboration with the heathen. That is why we have become subservient to all forms of dictatorships and oppressive arrangements.

The consequence of this kind of rebellion does not wait till eternal judgment; take a look at the case of the Israelites in 1Samuel 8:10-22. They insisted to have their way for the demand for a king; and the bad side of God showed up when they would be regretting their foolishness but it was be too late.

(v18) “And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the LORD will not hear you in that day.”

Oh Lord, deliver us from the rebellion of seeking all other things, a terribly misplaced priority, and expect to enjoy the heavenly kingdom inheritance.  

Monday, 30 March 2015


A group photo with some Nigerian citizens at Niamey
@ Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Jos, Nigeria.
Kindly join us in prayer as we get ready for another busy year 2015; we are trusting God to use us help edify His Church by:

Starting a Practical Gospel of the Kingdom Discipleship Training – (The New Orientation) intended to raise individual Christians to personally take up the cross and follow Jesus; embarking on an exact Christ’s Ministry; Advancement of God’s Kingdom.  (from the Ministry’s periodic bulletin No 13 – Jan – June 2015).

This Training started with an intercessory program on 10th January to 12th March 30, 2015. There was a two-week break which enabled the ministry took a 2nd missionary survey trip to the Republic of Niger from 17th to 25th March 2015.

The Training had resumed on 30th March it will run till 8th May 2015. Many young people, some of them delivered from different sinful attitudes are the disciples on training.

You may wish to recommend it others and or send people from your end to join in this revival hopeful event; you can join us at any given point in time and by His grace you can still fit into God’s plan of practical enforcement of His Kingdom on earth.

After this session there will be a repeat missionary visit to the Republic of Niger with some specific plans for intercessory work for the church and the land; there will be other associated spiritual activities to be carried out during this visit; details will come your way as soon as we return to Niamey the capital city and other regions of the nation in May.   


A thought by the Holy Ghost inspired my heart; pondering over an overview of the female behavior; wondering whether the term ‘the weaker vessels’ truly suits them.

From Genesis to Revelation in the Bible; you will find an occasion to blame a woman for an offence that caused some serious problem to the world. Care to find out? The first woman was the cause of sin or rebellion against God (Gen 3); Sarah brought about the Ishmaelites (Gen 16); Job’s wife wanted him to curse God (Job 2:9,10), just to mention a few.

In our time, we have known of how great and prospective achievers had been brought low by women’s seductive behaviors. Women are the most outstanding tools for prostitution, pornography, robbery, fraudulent business transactions etc.

Many in the world had concluded that women are the cause of the many woes facing humanity for decades; but there are also very good and God fearing women in the history of the world. In God’s sight and in His eternal plan and purpose for our lives, we are all great and important.

If you are of the view that women are the weaker vessels; and this had been responsible for their misbehavior of wanting to walk half naked in a broad day light on our streets and engaging in other immoral sexual habits; and you think you can be of help to them; kindly comment on this blog or send your views to our email address:

revivingnigeria@gmail.com or Facebook and Google+

Friday, 27 March 2015


 while in Niamey:
David, Brother Adams, Ruth, Marei
Apostle Stephen Nyam
Brother Adams with 2 Buzaye friends

Republic of Niger (II)
Our journey to Niger Republic was another eye opener to an overall missionary outreach away from home. And this was to enlighten us more on future preparations to the land and other nations of the world. We do not doubt God’s plan to use us to get to millions who are lost all over the world.  

The Lord led us to meet three main missionary organizations on active service in the land. We prefer to withhold their identity for now. It was as a result of a prayerful commitment that arranged for our successful contact and fruitful interaction with them. We truly owe so much thanks to God who had ordered our steps thus far.

We must give thanks to God for the brethren who welcomed and hosted us for many days at Niamey. The families of Mr and Mrs Rabe Ibrahim and friends took very wonderful care of us in terms of feeding, accommodation and transportation.

As mentioned earlier, we are getting prepared prayerfully to return to Niger with an Intercessory missionary plan which will be accompanied by other ministry strategies for soul winning; this will include ministry to the destitute, prostitutes (mostly Nigerians), drug addicts and the alcoholics etc. 

We believe that a high degree of intercessions must drive the church in the land into a reawakening.