Friday, 31 July 2015


From August to December 2015 and beyond, the Boiling Point Gospel Centre will be focusing on outreaches for souls; mainly people God will raise for practical discipleship.

There will be visitations to churches and unusual locations, concerts, crusades, street evangelism and all evangelistic approaches by the Holy Ghost.

Furthermore, we will be engaged on adventurous missionary journeys in about three West Africa nations within this season. We will trust God to direct us to Benin and Niger Republics and Burkina Faso.

For our associates whom we had been supporting prayerfully and otherwise; we are trusting God for missionary visits to South Africa by Apostle Stephen Nyam; and to South Sudan by Apostle Emmanuel Gunen and family of three.

Join us in prayer so that the Lord will consider His grace applicable and worthy of our commitment and favor our steps with all the necessities for these spiritual faith adventures in Jesus’ Name.

Thursday, 30 July 2015


The Christian life is never religious; it is intended to bear much fruit; to bring forth useful results.

The fruitfulness of Christianity is simply the product of testimonies that are beyond the ordinary events surrounding our daily endeavours; true Christianity is the manifestation of God Almighty through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost!

But how can the nature of God be made manifest in the believer? There must be a strong relationship with God. This is only obtained in the place of intercession and ceaseless prayer.

A lifestyle of prayer must be consistent. Drilling a borehole is never achieved without a process of continuity. It keeps going from one level of the earth underneath to the other until the level of fountain gushing water is reached!

For prayer that must sustain our relationship with God; there should never be an end to it!   


I hereby sincerely and humbly pass on a strong admonition to many Christians who claim to be worthy partakers of the Lord’s Supper commonly referred to as Holy Communion; there are severe consequences if this is only performed religiously.

“For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.” (1Cor 11:29-30) NKJV

Let’s take a closer look at the phrase “unworthy manner.” Could this be referring to taking it without being baptized by water and or the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Or is it partaking in it while in a deliberate sinful lifestyle?

There is an insight into the Lord’s Supper that needs a deeper exploration. Here we are dealing with the Blood Sacrifice that was offered by God Himself through His Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of humanity. If this deeper revelation of it is never properly captured, everything done connected to it could be very disastrous!

See the terrible effect of such spiritual misconduct; “For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.”

One is not surprised seeing many Christians including the ministers who administer and partake in the Lord’s Supper have suffered from incurable ailments that led to their misery and subsequent death.     

There is therefore the necessity of “discerning the Lord’s body.” What this implies is a thorough assimilation of the entire sacrament and a clear revelation obtained through the Holy Spirit’s guidance in Jesus’ Name.  

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


When last did you remember someone who blessed you, though they did not expect something in return from you?

Sometimes you just have to give your best to people who are well to do and never needed anything from you.

The blessings from the hands of God’s sons are extraordinary if offered from a cheerful heart to both rich and poor!

“In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” (1Cor 11:25)

Jesus Christ was God’s gift to humanity regardless of our status in society. When Jesus willingly offered Himself on the cross for our eternal salvation; it was a great loving gesture we are told to remember always.

The more we constantly remember the suffering of Christ Jesus; the more our victory over sin, Satan and death is consistently sustained.

So also, if you will never forget the kind deeds of other people towards you, God also will never despise the demands that will make your life remarkable now and forever!   

Tuesday, 28 July 2015



In the Lord’s Prayer, Christians are taught to pray;    “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Lk 11:2)

From the prayer instruction of Jesus, we are to pray for God’s kingdom to manifest; that is the rule of God to operate in our midst. Once that is realized, it implies that what is obtainable in heaven should be in reality here with us right now.

The pursuit of the reality of heaven on earth had almost been abandoned by the church today. Only a few individual believers are taking this serious in their Christian devotion because they have realized that the earthly pursuits 
had become completely obsolete compared to the heavenly glory!   

The problem lies in the inability of many to discover the way heaven looks like. Without the serious commitment to the Holy Spirit’s infilling and orientation, heavenly visions and revelations are blurred!

And once there is vague idea of heaven, the earthly views must dominate or rule over every aspect of people’s lives even if they were church members.

But how can we make heaven a reality on earth according to the prayer command of our Lord Jesus Christ? This is an assignment meant for all believers to resolve. Waiting for your response!