Monday, 30 January 2017


Friends all over the world, you are invited personally or pray along...
By the special grace of God, my Book "Everyday With the Holy Spirit" will be dedicated during my Sixty Seventh Birthday occasion Thursday, 2nd Feb. 2017 @ the Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Jos when other blessed activities will follow till Sunday 5th, '17 9am.  
Here is an abstract of a Chapter of the Book...
"The Holy Spirit in the Bible – JOEL
Joel 2:28-29 “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My men servants on My maidservants I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”
The promise of the Holy Spirit’s out pour is already fulfilled. We are enjoying His flowing gifts, diversities of activities, ministry gifts, fruit bearing and inexhaustible blessings. But ignorance and rebellion have deprived many from these kingdom rights (1Cor 12). My mustard seed faith answered prayer is that as you read these verses, you will be miraculously exempted from such depravity in Jesus Name. Amen!"

Monday, 23 January 2017


Plastic products a threat?

Just wondering what title to give to this post; seeing clearly what the Western Civilization had done to mankind; it could be called danger, backfire, shame and disgrace etc!

This could amount to many years of research and volumes of paper work! But in a layman's approach, let's do it this way...

There was an argument between Jesus Christ and His Jewish religious critics. They asked Him whether they were blind; the Lord's response was straight to the point but only the wise in the Spirit would understand it... Jn 9:39-41

This is the same analogy that could correspond with the position of those who would still consider civilization as an achievement to mankind!

Western civilization is an outcome of the claim of human ability in the area of various inventions! And as a critical look is given to each; there will be no conclusion but to agree that human ability without God's guidance is destructive to the entire creation.

I just want to allow my readers to contribute to this brief discourse... Just pick any area of Western civilization and someone who is saying the truth will tell the threat it had brought to God's creation! You are welcomed and blessed in Jesus Name...

Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Let us be in Agreement in Jesus Name!

On this special day, as I was praying on my hilltop Closet; these three point message was revealed to me:

1. The focal message of the Christian calling is Soul Winning and Making Disciples of all Nations. Nothing mater much to God in the church as this. The call for an urgent spiritual adjustment is very necessary.

Specifically, there is an assurance... Everything God in us is for SOUL WINNING AND MAKING DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS = Heaven on Earth God's Government Reality Reign!

2. There is an urgent spiritual need for the mind renewal. Minds had suffered so much carnal, religious, world system etc contaminants that hardly can faith in God, Christ and Holy Ghost issues be freely accommodated!

3. There is established assurance in scripture by the Lord Jesus; "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John 12:32). With Him in us, we are to draw the people into His Kingdom here and beyond!

Thursday, 12 January 2017


 Many people had disappointed God and their fellow humans for misappropriating ample opportunities to be a blessing! And there is an urgent necessity to correct these misdeeds.
Until one’s personal commitment is right with God, it will be impossible to get it well done with the brethren. Many had refused to submit to the self denial injunction. Self in control is denying God His place and subsequent selfishness towards fellow humans!
When the opportunity to please God and help people is over; and a second chance is nowhere to be found; regrets and depression follow. The Bible says the wages of sin is death,,,(Rom 6:23) These irresponsible behaviors had drawn many into deadly afflictions.
From this time henceforth, everyone must work out their salvation with fear and trembling to do what God wants or what will please Him. It requires an intense self denial. It demands for a sacrificial prayer commitment and submission to serving God in soul winning and making disciples of all nations.
This is the kind of transformation that will bring sanity to our spiritual and physical environments. No cooperate intercession is necessary for now; individual faith expression or declaration of and obedience to the Word of God will remain the only solution to the present global calamities!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017



The Lord God Almighty in His usual manner of ministering revelations to me delayed my routine of walking out of the house. I knew this was for a purpose. So I resolved into a meditative mood; prayed, listened and waited for His revelation.
It did not take long when I heard Him say, “You are brooding agents of the Holy Spirit.” This message is confirmed by the creation story in Gen 1:1-3 “…The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light;’ and there was light.’” NKJV
I wondered for awhile, but the Lord quickly clarified the revelation to me as follows; When God had a concept of His creation, within Him was a clear picture by His kind of Faith of what He wanted. But the brooding of His Spirit was necessary before His utterance would bring into being His plan.  
So also, His children, born of His Spirit can bring into being whatever is necessary for the enforcement of His Kingdom on earth. Our intimate relationship with God brings about His will concept within our spirit beings and we can brood or hover upon the concept or intention which can be followed with a declaration of faith and the results will be instantly made manifest!  
 Our constant relationship with God makes us a brooding spot for hatching new breeds. This is where we can bring about transformation in every situation that needs change. We can command new life to people who had been dragged into the valley of death and decay! So let all believers resort into the position of brooders in the realm of God’s faith in Jesus’ Name…  

Monday, 9 January 2017


The revival travails are very crucial and necessary for the church today. God is eagerly expectant of committed trust in the power of the Holy Ghost among His people!

Ministers become blind shepherds leading the sheep astray and scattering them into the wilderness of sin, because they lack the Holy Ghost authority to minister the truth (Jer. 23:1-6). They starve the flock and drive profit from their commitment.

Ministers of the gospel strive for titles like, Rev/Dr/Bishop/Most/Right/Eminence etc. forgetting the ministry gifts of the Holy Ghost, (Eph. 4:11-12, Eph. 2:20-22).

Ministry subjects the church workers to their intimidating opinion or views, thereby making them to grow with inferiority complex rather than being set at liberty to discover more about the call of God upon their lives. So church workers also become their personal house stewards, errand boys, body guards, personal assistants and secretaries etc. (Mark 10:43-44, Matt. 23:11-12).

Ministers have made the merchandise of the olive oil attaching false supernatural importance to its use. (Mark 6:13).
Ministers and believers in general have ungodly intentions in the work of God, trying to build empires around them, thereby creating divisions, tensions and confusion in the church of Jesus Christ. (1 Cor.1:10-16, Gal.1:6-9).

Because the Holy Spirit is not in control, crafty and worldly ideas are promoted to implement the programmes of the church, e.g. entertainment (music), amusement, fashion parade, fund raising and gambling (Jn. 2:13-17).

Friday, 6 January 2017


We are in serious need of a mighty revival for the body of Christ to function as the Kingdom administrators on earth. This can never happen without the power of God’s Spirit.  These are the characteristics or state of the church without the Holy Ghost.
1.    Apostasy, Heresy, Falsehood and Counterfeit signs and wonders in the church. (Matt. 24:11).
2.    Strive and unhealthy competition for fame and popularity; thereby the struggle for high number of membership, wrong pursuit for prosperity or material possessions. (Matt. 23:5-7).
3.    Christianity becomes a religion without genuine accompanied power, thereby, making ministers to seek for powers from the devil. (1 Tim. 4:1-5, Acts 8:17-20).
4.    Human intellect begins to dominate the administration in the church. Incompetence, inadequacy and suspicion become very pronounced. (Ecc. 1:17-18, Prov. 3:5-6).
5.    Trying to apply human efforts, methods and approaches to combat sinfulness in the society. That is why we have church constitutions, rules and regulations used instead of the Bible e.g. on marriage issues, land disputes, caring for the needy: widows, orphans and the destitute.
6.    Ministers become blind shepherds leading the sheep astray and scattering them into the wilderness of sin, because they lack the Holy Ghost authority and direction to minister the truth (Jer. 23:1-6). They starve the flock and drive profit from their commitment.

Thursday, 5 January 2017


The world system carried away by the devil’s deception had toiled over generations for protection. Satan’s suggestion had always violated God’s instructions of relying on His defense and protection methods.

The devil says, peoples’ wisdom, knowledge, combating ability, security agencies and devices, high electric fences, trained animals etc can protect you.

Over the years, the world system had deliberately refused to be subjected to faith in God Almighty. Drawn by Satan’s falsehood, had always thought they are yet to get it right. It is the devil’s strategy to keep many in this menace which will finally lead them to hell fire!

But God’s protection comes from believing in His power by the Holy Spirit, the Name of Jesus and His Blood Covenant, and His Angels! (Bible) 

We are a living proof that God’s approach works. Be restored to this unfeigned faith and enjoy unlimited security protection now and forever in Jesus’ Name…