Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Brethren, I appreciate God Almighty for your obedience and zeal to His call upon you. I know you are already busy with the Kingdom work, still we need constant strengthening! 

The arch enemy of the truth of God's Kingdom had never a second's break in making millions afraid of doing the Will of God. And many are already in hell. But we can salvage some hopeless situations!

EXCUSES in various ways had been advanced so that people would defer commitment to God's service. Take a moment to read this biblical account as an example Lk 9:57-62. These surely sounds familiar to our present day's position, if not more critical!

Friends, let's take the warning of our Lord Jesus serious; "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." (John 9:4). 

In the power of God's Grace and Spirit, we are up to the task. Let us get more engaged radically in the soul winning and disciple making Divine strategies with everything we are, believing that God's Glory be made manifest in the process in Jesus Name!

Monday, 21 May 2018


Thanks and Blessings brethren, it has been some time now, just to share this revelation though already known to many, but a reminder is not out of place. 

At creation, God Almighty commanded light to come, that wouldn't have been devoid of Fire... (Gen 1:2; Heb 12:29) 

At dawn of sin entrance at Eden, Angelic Fire was positioned to protect further intrusion evil. (Gen 3:24) 

The call of Moses had to be culminated by the burning bush sight. (Ex 3:2-4)

When God addressed His people in the wilderness, it was phenomenal of thunders, lightnings, furnace and smoke. (Ex 19:18)

On their journey through the wilderness, God provided a pillar of Fire for the night to guide the Israelites... (Ex 13:21-22)

A life coal was placed in the tongue of Isaiah... (Is 6:6,7)

The Word of God was like Fire in the bones of Jeremiah. (Jer 20:9)
One can recount many more Fire incidents in the Old Testament...

And in the New Testament, John the Baptist announced the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire by Jesus Christ. (Mt 3:11,12)

The Ministry of Christ Jesus was characterised by the Fire kind of zeal.... (Jn 2:17) There are many more spiritual Fire incidents in the new testament!

The church in this last dispensation must be likened to and characterised by a transforming, purifying, and refining Fire for the righteous Kingdom people and a tormenting and punishing brimstone to the kingdom of darkness.

How can this be carried out? The baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire is a very important and urgent necessity. We must zealously desire to be constantly submerged in God's Fire.

Our entire lifetime ought to pursue the Holy Ghost Fire brand Ministry as taught and practiced by the Lord Jesus which was handed over to us! 

This is the only way every chaff of iniquity shall be totally eradicated in the face of the earth. And God's Kingdom Reality reign Will be highly instituted and many souls can be ushered into eternal life in Jesus Name!

Very Blessed Heavenly regards, 
Brother Matthew Arin Adams
Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Jos Nigeria.