Monday, 31 December 2018


Learn from David of old, How he absconded the feast of the New Moon to escape the wrath of King Saul who had vowed to kill him.(1Sam 20).

Take a look at what Jesus did during the feast of the Passover at age twelve in Luke 2. He gave a new fulfillment and meaning to that traditional custom by demonstrating Divine ability before the learned of His time.

Also read John 7 and see how Jesus refused to attend another feast base on divine timing.But the moment He was there, another divine fulfillment took place.

Paul also in Colossians 2:16 admonished, "So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ."

Friends, we must be resolved to have Christ Jesus to remain our focal point of Faith to escape the tragedies of religious and societal inventions which are majorly characterised by demonic setups, activities and subsequent sinfulness and death

Christ-Centred Ministry involves serious sacrifice for sake of millions who are lost in the dark world. The salvation of souls should replace every tradition and doctrine. Due to increased evil, the job seems to be impossible.

But the promise of the outpour of the Holy Spirit on all flesh in Joel 2 is our unfailing hope. Behold the sky is getting darker and darker moment by moment and the great showers had started all over the place. Hallelujah! Amen and Amen!!!!!  

Tuesday, 4 December 2018


All that the cosmic order planned, acclaimed, and stood for, for decades had turned to shambles and woes!  There will be more confusion in the world of sin and unrighteousness; darkness, chaos, dryness, and vacuums will continue to prevail, and the Holy Spirit will continue to brood over God’s creation as well; this will cause much traumatic concern to the heathen nations and make many to return to the everlasting plan of Jehovah God through Christ Jesus! Amen!!

Watch out, who is greater than Jehovah; whatever name they bear, they represent Satan and his dark kingdom; they are becoming greatly obsolete and unfashionable like the chaff which the wind carries away. There will be no place for them until they all return to Jesus for mercy or they all go to hell together with the prince of darkness!

Children of the Most High God, fear not, rejoice than ever, and let’s celebrate victory for our salvation, and pray for the Lord of the harvest to use us and send trustworthy labourers into the very ripen harvest. Amen!!!