The blog was Dinah’s proposition; she suggested it to me and I became committed or even addicted to it. By the grace of God Almighty, it went in line with His original intent with my calling or ministry of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
The ministry, Boiling Point Gospel Centre, formerly known as Total Gospel Assembly (TOGA), had experienced various processes of Spiritual transformative scrutiny. At the point of the development of this blog, much focus had been attained and a clearer direction to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom of God became more than just a hypothesis but an attempt to practice it with Faith rigor and boldness.
If you have been following us on this blog, you will realize that we are cutting across all life avenues with the aim of allowing God to use us to radically change the mentality of many from every form of worldliness to God’s Originality!
For so many whom the world had been ruling in terms of approach to wisdom, knowledge, wealth, fame and the like; they may consider the New Orientation as flimsy, shortsighted, foolish and critically offensive. But to those who are open to God’s purpose for their lives will consider this a rare privilege for further discovery and application of the divine for a fulfilled destiny.
Since its inception on Sunday, December 28, 2014; almost on a daily basis, postings had been regular. The Lord had graciously granted us an audience, though we are still travailing for a much wider outreach worldwide. And as you participate by reading this printed version of the blog, we believe it will be your goodwill to advance this course further.
I give God Almighty all the glory, honor and adoration for this initiative and dedicate both the internet and printed versions of the New Orientation to first and foremost to God Almighty, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit and to the faith community! And to my biological daughter and sister in the Lord; Miss Dinah (Didi ‘Yar Gata Arin Adams) who designed, developed and still manages it. It was Inaugurated On her Send Forth Prayer, July 11, 2015, preparatory to her marriage to Brother Arinze Eloji, July 18, 2015, in JESUS’ MIGHTY NAME.