Thursday, 30 April 2020


Brethren, Thanks and Blessings for your commitment to God's Kingdom enforcement. 

Glory to God Almighty who had kept us informed of the ongoing happenings in the world today,  so we are not taken unawares or by surprise!

Presently, in  the midst of all these, what could be God's message for the world, especially for believers? 

1. It's no longer church as usual
2. Resuscitate personal ministry
3. Intimacy with God prayers 
4. Spiritual discipline and walk 
5. Kingdom enforcement reality 
6. In the world, but not of it!
7. Thanksgiving sacrifices 
8. Great Grace for greater works 
9. Miracle souls and disciples
10. Steady Faithfulness! Etc.

The more Spiritually confined we're in God's presence together with Christ, the different and uncommon we acknowledge His move presently, a new church is born...NO STONE WILL BE LEFT... Mk 13:1-2

Let God's Spirit continue to enlighten us in keeping with His Word to His Glory.  Amen and Amen.