Friday, 14 May 2021


Blessings upon Blessings Brethren,
It's by divine prompting I write! I don't doubt your faith commitment with regards  to the various challenges on ground. Yet, It's not out of place to encourage believers to be more strongly courageous in these last days. 

It's evident and widespread that the challenges had left many confused and dragged into the backsliding state, doubting God's faithfulness and engaging in failing and frustrating options for solutions. 

Truly speaking, the world system had all this while misled us with the false impression of hope, security, prosperity, power, health, employment, pleasure etc, but considering the events happening in the world today, we are left with no iota of doubt that all is speedily passing away!

It's definitely unquestionable that some major aspects of the church of Christ Jesus had constituted  a very serious concern as a result of drifting away from strict Biblical Truth and Christ's Ministry to the imitations of the world system's methods of doing things. 

Of course and with certainty, God's MISSION for mankind in the midst of all these cannot be thwarted or fail. Christ's sacrifice for the salvation of the world is never in vain. All God had intended and promised must be perfectly accomplished. Because not an iota of His Word shall pass away. 

Therefore, we declare our perfect Restoration to God's Kingdom Originality by boldly returning  to Christ's  teachings without compromise. And the resumption to the reality enforcement of God's Kingdom on Earth will be perfectly operational in Jesus'MightyName. 

Saturday, 1 May 2021


Typically, the world system is in constant rebellion against God. God's Kingdom in Christ Jesus  propagation had been resisted for decades! This is the number one predicament to humanity!

The church's derailed tendencies; engaging  in what is contrary to God's Original perfect plan for humanity had caused the most devastating setback and failure to millions in nations.

World's governments are a total deviation from the government Christ instituted from His Birth (Luke 1:33, and Luke 19:38) and confirmed it on His way to the cross (Matthew 27:11; John 18:36-37).

In His instruction to the disciples when He sent them to preach, He told them, "And as ye go, preach, saying, The KINGDOM of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick..." Matthew  10:7-8)

The apostles of old  clearly demonstrated the reality of Christ's Government when they resisted compromise and conformity to the religious traditions and the political system of their times. - (Acts of the Apostles)