To Every Christian Who Believes There is God’s Calling Upon Their Lives: (part 2)
Saul (Paul): (Acts 9) – For John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus, their journey into ministry was predicted even before they were born; they were prepared even from childhood (if we are to take spiritual issues serious and appropriate, this should have been the same initial process for every person born of God).
For Saul, just like many of us, a religious background beclouded his understanding of God’s plan for his life; so the persecution of the church was considered a true stewardship to God!
He had to be drawn to the right vineyard by having a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Himself. As soon as Saul (Paul) was saved from his past, he did not confide with flesh and blood (Gal 1:16); he was taken to a very far and unfamiliar field to start his ministry. Read the whole of Galatians chapter one.
The Apostles: (John 16:7) - They had enjoyed the intimate company of the One who called them to become His disciples; but suddenly, He surprised them with the disturbing news of the necessity of His departure which, according to Him, was an advantage to them; but to them it was not good news, they were to be deprived of the constant comfort zone of His presence they had enjoyed.
The advantage of the Lord’s departure had to do with the Good News of the coming of the Holy Spirit which all apostles of faith are to benefit from the instance of spiritual rebirth.
We must learn to pass through the desolations of this life as a training ground in order to be perfected in the new realm; the true gospel of the kingdom pattern of ministry.
The disciples were to tarry at Jerusalem in prayer until their natural abilities and mentalities were transformed by the outpour of the Holy Spirit upon them.
This pattern is never adhered to by many denominations today. That is why many potential preachers had been frustrated in ministry; they count on their fellow men to hire, mentor, promote and retire them!
Trust in the One who created you, saved you, and called and ordained you; He will direct your path and prosper you in His vineyard!
The One God Must Use – Throughout the history of humanity, God had never used anybody whom He had not Himself prepared for His work.
Abraham had to depart from the familiar environment of his kinsmen to a place he had no idea of until God’s intended program was finally done in his life (Genesis 12-25).
Jacob, whose name was to be changed to Israel (nation) passed through God’s pruning sessions until God’s will was settled in his life (Genesis 25-36).
Joseph, whose destiny was thought to have been barred, passed through seeming endless trials until God’s time proved him appropriate for divine assignment (Genesis 30-50).
Moses, who was trained to be an Egyptian intellectual expert in many areas, was denied that worldly advantage because God was aiming at making him great by His Power; he came to a lowly position of a servant/shepherd until he became instrumental to the deliverance of his people from bondage. (From Exodus through Deuteronomy).
Daniel was among the captives taken to Babylon where his commitment to God was tried and God honored His Name through his testimonies (The Book of Daniel).
The list of these Bible characters is inexhaustible! You may wish to explore more for your personal encouragement.
Deborah, the patriotic woman (Judges 4,5); The woman of constancy – (RUTH 1-3); Hannah, the ideal mother - 1Sa 1:20; 1Sa 2:19; Abigail, the capable woman - 1Sa 25:3; The Shunammite, the hospitable woman - 2Ki 4:8-10; Esther, the self-sacrificing woman - Es 4:16; The Syrophenician, the woman of faith - Mt 15:28; Mary Magdalene, the transformed woman - Mr 16:1 Mr 16:9; Elisabeth, the humble woman - Luke 1:43; Mary, the woman chosen of God - Luke 1:30-38; Mary of Bethany, the woman immortalized by Christ - Mt 26:13 Lu 10:42; Martha, the worried housekeeper – Luke 10:40; The Woman Evangelist - John 4:29; Dorcas, the benevolent seamstress - Ac 9:36; Lydia, the business woman - Ac 16:14 Ac 16:15.
We do not intend to make you look like us, but let God train and disciple you Himself; this method is rare and unpopular! Give it a faith trial with every commitment and confidence, believing out of it, God will begin to build up an established ministry through your life.
You can ask any question but after you have much consulted the Lord through the Holy Spirit’s intimation.
We promise to carry you along in prayer and you also pray for us. Let a selfless close-by Spirit filled believer be your friend and companion in all aspect of life. Only have faith that God alone should transform you to usher you into a fruitful personal Ministry in Jesus’ Name!
Your Brother ,
Mathew Arin Adams (facebook: matthewarin.adams; emails:; phone: +234 803 703 5048)
Boiling Point Gospel Centre (uphill opp. Jevocho Filling Station, Bauchi Ring Road, Jos, Nigeria).