Thursday, 23 February 2023


It's a great concern to draw the attention of many believers to the necessity of returning to Biblical Truth with respect to God's Originality kingdom to make a very clear distinction with world system of government!

Christ Jesus came as a Jewish political Messiah, He would have stirred up a powerful revolt against the colonial Roman rule of His time. 

That was the  expectations of many Jews  and  still the anticipation of many today.

But Christ told the Apostles the  approach to His Reign would be different... (Acts 1:7-8)

I believe the today's church has a special responsibility to return to the pattern and standard set by our Master and Lord Jesus Christ!

The world will be turned upside down to God's greatest Glory and Honour even greater than it happened during the early Apostolic era. Why not?

Sunday, 12 February 2023


Friends,  we're working on a production of getting the church restored to God's Originality.  This is our goal about the New Orientation.  

This is an introductory program of Discipleship that is intended to help Christians to Spiritually discover Biblical Truth of propagating the Gospel of the Kingdom of God strictly according to the Teaching and Lifestyle of Christ Jesus!

With the way the Christian Faith had “advanced” over the years, one would think it unnecessary to talk about it this way! 

But at a very close look at Christ’s Teaching with a critical Spiritual analysis and considering the collapse of the genuineness of church impact on society and the world system, one wouldn’t deny the necessity of tracing the history of God’s purpose for mankind as He Originally wanted it to be!

A brief history of the Christian Faith in some parts of Nigeria will be of great help. (No authority or document is our reference point here). We are simply standing at the view point of observers and relying mostly on the intimation by the Holy Spirit! 

Most missionary groups came to Nigeria at the crucial entry and agitation of the colonial rule. In spite of the struggle to present the Gospel of the Kingdom of God according to the strict Teaching of Christ Jesus, they met stiff opposition from the authorities of the time (both of the colonial masters and some constituted religious institutions). 

The missionaries could not but yeild to the pressure and so their presentation of the Gospel was subject to the conveniences of the rule of men rather than by the Holy Spirit’s!

Another aspect of the transmission of an adulterated Christian Faith was the entry of the churches founded and developed on false doctrines. Both this and the aforementioned constituted a very faulty foundation in some church denominations in the land and beyond!

As we have over time critically observed, the anomalies had unfortunately taken place. Yet, its furtherance should have been redressed since the Holy Bible, God’s tool  fortunately was in the hands of believers and it wasn’t denied permission for its appropriate use. 

But up till now, one wonders why many Christians owning free access to Scriptures can hardly apply the Truth of Christ as clearly presented in the four Gospels of the New Testament. 

This is our version of great concern! We believe God will never let His intended plan to restore the Church to His appropriate state of His everlasting good pleasure!