Thursday 14 September 2023


Excuse me singers, composers, producers and song writers etc! 

I hear the voice of God saying, "There are so many songs in the shelves and store rooms of the Holy Ghost waiting for your genuine humble submission to allow Him teach you what you'd never thought or imagine! 

It's only intended to bring about the highest and greatest Worship, Glory, Honour, Praise and Adoration to God Almighty than ever!

But it demands your absolute departure from the "tales" of those who had drawn the attention of millions in the past and even now. And it'd affected and influenced your focus on Him!

It also requires a total disengagement from what is obtainable, common, short cuts and easy going.

Welcome to the appointed time of your Heavenly redesigning and programing.The moment of a more changing and transformation!"

Be bold and courageous enough to step out to the new greatness in God's sight in Jesus Mighty Name!

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