Thursday, 29 August 2024


If one takes a relationship for granted, nothing beneficial can be gained. So let your love to the Holy Spirit be the serious .type.

Romans 9:1 “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit.”

To tell the truth in Christ must be by the Holy Spirit, because He is the only guide into all truth (John 16:13). To bear witness from the heart and unto Christ is also by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Why the struggle to gather material things, eating, drinking and good living when so much durable and eternal riches can be obtain in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit? Many have made a shipwreck of their calling by misappropriating the Scripture in the bid to prove a successful ministry. Return to mercy and the Holy Spirit for a successful redefined ministry schedule.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024


The discourse in this book is to remind the church and point us towards the despised or ignored Christ-centered discipleship lifestyle and ministry of Christ Jesus

The church as personified in the individual believer, is passing through the refining fire. The supreme scrutiny of the genuine Christian is timely and preparatory to being presented, without spot, blemish and wrinkle, before the great white Throne of the Eternal Judge.

          What is being fulfilled in our time is the prediction recorded in first Timothy chapter four verses one and two;

“Now the Spirit expressly say, that in latter times (which must be now)some willdepart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirit sand doctrines of demons, speaking hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron….”

Second Timothy chapter three buttresses the position and the glaring behavior of the “departed” apostate church; and verse five sums it up “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof....”

What could be the cause of this major Spiritual drift? Paul says, “The spirit expressly says….some will depart from the faith….”The moment there is a departure from the genuine, the counterfeit or falsehood will set in.

Jesus clearly stated:“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit (the fruits of the spirit in Gal 5:22-23), for without me you can do nothing….” (Jn15:5)

    There is no doubt that many believers have been very busy “serving God” without Him on the scene. Many are actually serving self than God. They selfishly decide to do what they want and falsely ascribe such motives to the Lord’s Spirit.

    The abominable atrocities of the apostate church are being closely checked by God just like He dealt with the evil intention of the construction of the tower of Babel; He stopped it

    The unfortunate departure from the faith will never withstand the Return and Restoration by the Lord’s power by His Spirit. How can the creature ever outstand the Creator? Gods plan to sustain his elect shall never be thwarted! He is launching in full swing to put to rest the seeming intense flaw of the truth.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024


Continued from the previous post . . 

8. Ministries subject the church workers to their intimidating opinion or views, thereby making them to grow with inferiority complex rather than being set at liberty to discover more about the call of God upon their lives. So church workers also become personal house stewards, errand boys, body guards, personal assistants and secretaries etc. (Mark 10:43-44, Matt. 23:11-12)

.Ministers have made the merchandise of the olive oil, handkerchiefs, water and other items attaching false supernatural importance to its use. (Mark 6:13).

9..Ministers and believers in general have ungodly intentions in the work of God, trying to build empires around them, thereby creating divisions, tensions and confusion in the church of Jesus Christ. (1 Cor.1:10-16, Gal.1:6-9).

10. Because the Holy Spirit is not in control, crafty and worldly ideas are promoted to implement the programs of the church, e.g. entertainment (music), amusement, fashion parade, fund raising and gambling (Jn. 2:13-17).  

Monday, 26 August 2024

Without the Holy Spirit


When the Lord God Almighty begins to renew His Church; that is restoring His work by the Holy Spirit; and believers become acquainted with His move, a clear and definite consciousness of the supernatural brightens up and this rules over lives and ministries. Then awareness comes, that Ministry without the Holy Spirit makes the Church to become like a desolate land. Below are the List of things that happen without the Holy Spirit:

  1. Apostasy, Heresy, Falsehood and Counterfeit signs and wonders in the church. (Matt. 24:11).

  2. Strive and unhealthy competition for fame and popularity; thereby the struggle for high number of membership, wrong pursuit for prosperity or material possessions. (Matt. 23:5-7).

  3. Christianity becomes a religion without genuine accompanied power, thereby, making ministers to seek for powers from the devil. (1 Tim. 4:1-5, Acts 8:17-20).

  4. Human intellect begins to dominate the administration in the church. Incompetence, inadequacy and suspicion become very pronounced. (Ecc. 1:17-18, Prov. 3:5-6).

  5. Trying to apply human efforts, methods and approaches to combat sinfulness in the society. That is why we have church constitutions, rules and regulations used instead of the Bible e.g. on marriage issues, land disputes, caring for the needy: widows, orphans and the destitute.

  6. Ministers become blind shepherds leading the sheep astray and scattering them into the wilderness of sin, because they lack the Holy Ghost authority and direction to minister the truth (Jer. 23:1-6). They starve the flock and drive profit from their commitment.

  7. Ministers of the gospel strive for titles like, Rev/Dr/Bishop/Most/Right/Eminence etc. forgetting the ministry gifts of the Holy Ghost, (Eph. 4:11-12, Eph. 2:20-22).

Monday, 19 August 2024



Give to the needy of your BEST and the MOST cherished... 

Lend money and never expect  PAYMENT....

Don't SEPARATE from your spouse for whatever reason...

Give your TITHES above the religious 10% and you will receive beyond ordinary riches in Jesus Mighty Name!


Etc etc etc etc etc

Saturday, 10 August 2024


Sex is one of the most shameful slanderous activity honest people would ever want to talk about. And the enemy takes the opportunity to get many people into it and never be able to avoid and get out of it  

1 Corinthians 6:18

"Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body."

Sexual immorality is a general expression. A detailed analysis includes:

Adultery, Fornication, Rape, Mastubation, Lesbianism, Pornography, homosexualism, etc

Every Sexual activity outside God's will and rule, has terrible and diverse consequences.

The devil has a wicked way of tormenting one's life in every act of it. 

By hook or crook, save your life from further pain and agony to flee from the urges and temptations in Jesus Mighty Name!

Don't be shy about sharing your case with any believer, pastor, counselor.

YOU can chat me on WhatsApp 08037035048

For prayers and help...

Tuesday, 6 August 2024



Excuse me Friends, 

The greatest shameful thing a believer can do is to complain, worry and even protest when  the solution to the world's failing government arrangements and other devastating issues of life are at our disposal!

Check the stories of many who were faithful to God in the Bible eg, Moses, Joseph, Esther, Daniel etc in the Holy Bible...

Proceed to the Ministry of Christ Jesus and the apostles who never bowed to the world system of their time. They set an example of what God's Kingdom is and how to Reign with Him.

I believe we have the remnant (without the noise making popularity) who are graciously in the gab, bringing to bare the greatest Glory and Honor to Yahweh until the Truth finally stands out in Jesus Mighty Name!

Thursday, 1 August 2024


To the greatest Glory and Honor of Yahweh, I agree with all who believe in the endless Reign of Christ over and above the world's governments   predominantly controlled by the wicked spirits of darkness.

In agreement and strong faith, together we banish and send them to the bottomless pit in Jesus Mighty Name.

Don't doubt what Yahweh can do through us. Believe and share it home and abroad!

 Bountiful blessings will surely abide with you. Hallelujah!!!