Wednesday, 28 August 2024


The discourse in this book is to remind the church and point us towards the despised or ignored Christ-centered discipleship lifestyle and ministry of Christ Jesus

The church as personified in the individual believer, is passing through the refining fire. The supreme scrutiny of the genuine Christian is timely and preparatory to being presented, without spot, blemish and wrinkle, before the great white Throne of the Eternal Judge.

          What is being fulfilled in our time is the prediction recorded in first Timothy chapter four verses one and two;

“Now the Spirit expressly say, that in latter times (which must be now)some willdepart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirit sand doctrines of demons, speaking hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron….”

Second Timothy chapter three buttresses the position and the glaring behavior of the “departed” apostate church; and verse five sums it up “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof....”

What could be the cause of this major Spiritual drift? Paul says, “The spirit expressly says….some will depart from the faith….”The moment there is a departure from the genuine, the counterfeit or falsehood will set in.

Jesus clearly stated:“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit (the fruits of the spirit in Gal 5:22-23), for without me you can do nothing….” (Jn15:5)

    There is no doubt that many believers have been very busy “serving God” without Him on the scene. Many are actually serving self than God. They selfishly decide to do what they want and falsely ascribe such motives to the Lord’s Spirit.

    The abominable atrocities of the apostate church are being closely checked by God just like He dealt with the evil intention of the construction of the tower of Babel; He stopped it

    The unfortunate departure from the faith will never withstand the Return and Restoration by the Lord’s power by His Spirit. How can the creature ever outstand the Creator? Gods plan to sustain his elect shall never be thwarted! He is launching in full swing to put to rest the seeming intense flaw of the truth.

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