Monday 23 October 2023


Until one believes in the prayer Christ taught believers, especially the aspect of "Thy Kingdom come and thy Will be done ON EARTH as in Heaven," the deceptions and false hopes of the world governments which the devil uses will continue to ruin people's Faith and confidence in God's Kingdom principles and promises.

Many people are already in these cobwebs of confusion and darkness. 

The corrupt language  of unbelief "nothing is working anymore" "Everywhere there's hardship" etc have occupied their daily conversion. 

Woe to the unbelieving ones. Only those who will insist on believing God regardless of the circumstances within and outward their lives will continue to testify to the goodness of the Lord in every crucial and pleasant moment of the times. 

Decide where to stand, Faith on God's Word or staying in Satan's den of unbelief!?!?

Don't forget, this will also determine what direction you're going! Heaven or Hell!

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