Monday 9 October 2023


The malady of the church Without the Holy Spirit

When the Lord God Almighty begins to renew His Church; that is restoring His work in Spirit and Truth by the Holy Spirit; and  making believers become acquainted with His move, a clear and definite consciousness of the supernatural brightens up and this begins to rule over lives and ministries. 

Then awareness comes, and many people believe that Ministry without the Holy Spirit makes the Church to become like a desolate land. 

Below are the List of some things that happen when the church functions without the Holy Spirit:

1. Apostasy, Heresy, Falsehood and Counterfeit signs and wonders in the church. (Matt. 24:11).

2. Strive and unhealthy competition for fame and popularity; thereby the struggle for high number of membership, wrong pursuit for prosperity or material possessions. (Matt. 23:5-7).

3. Christianity becomes a religion without genuine accompanied power, thereby, making ministers to seek for powers from the devil. (1 Tim. 4:1-5, Acts 8:17-20).

4. Human intellect begins to dominate the administration in the church. Incompetence, inadequacy and suspicion become very pronounced. (Ecc. 1:17-18, Prov. 3:5-6).

5. Trying to apply human efforts, methods and approaches to combat sinfulness in the society. That is why we have church constitutions, rules and regulations used instead of the Bible e.g. on marriage issues, land disputes, caring for the needy: widows, orphans and the destitute.

6. Ministers become blind shepherds leading the sheep astray and scattering them into the wilderness of sin, because they lack the Holy Ghost authority and direction to minister the truth (Jer. 23:1-6). They starve the flock and drive profit from their commitment.

7. Ministers of the gospel strive for titles like, Rev/Dr/Bishop/Most/Right/Eminence etc. forgetting the ministry gifts of the Holy Ghost, (Eph. 4:11-12, Eph. 2:20-22).

8. Ministries subject the church workers to their intimidating opinion or views, thereby making them to grow with inferiority complex rather than being set at liberty to discover more about the call of God upon their lives. So church workers also become personal house stewards, errand boys, body guards, personal assistants and secretaries etc. (Mark 10:43-44, Matt. 23:11-12).

9. Ministers have made the merchandise of the olive oil, handkerchiefs, water and other items attaching false supernatural importance to its use. (Mark 6:13).

10. Ministers and believers in general have ungodly intentions in the work of God, trying to build empires around them, thereby creating divisions, tensions and confusion in the church of Jesus Christ. (1 Cor.1:10-16, Gal.1:6-9).

11. Because the Holy Spirit is not in control, crafty and worldly ideas are promoted to implement the programs of the church, e.g. entertainment (music), amusement, fashion parade, fund raising and gambling (Jn. 2:13-17).

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