Friday 1 December 2023


Considering the diversity use and application of the Name of Jesus by millions of people in the whole world today, it had become very necessary to help many distinguish between the real Christ and the abused and fake one.

How can we differentiate between the True and the false of the Name Jesus? Or how can one know the difference between the fake and the genuine Christ?

The answer is not difficult at all. We must simply make reference to Christ Jesus Himself. And how is that done?

1. You can not find the truth in a denominational doctrine, except the church truly and strictly upholds to the teaching and lifestyle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. You will never find it in someone's ministry or life who had been misled or wrongly influenced by self centred teachers or false prophets.

3. You will not find the truth of Christ Jesus by just becoming an errand steward to other people who will always place stringent demands on your being responsible to them than God.

4. The True Christ is not in the circle of systems which do not give the Holy Spirit place in their lives and activities.

5. The na me above all other names, which is Jesus Christ the Son of God can not associate with where biblical truth is despised, ridiculed, resisted and outrightly denied or rejected.

6. Where the world's influences had become the imitation of the church, the true Christ can't fit in there. For example, secular education replacing the Holy Spirit's wisdom and knowledge. Divine healing, that is power to heal by the gift of the Holy Spirit is subtly or outrightly resisted and denied.

7. The works of Christ and even greater works (John 14:12) are no longer observed let alone to be practiced. Forgiveness, Love, Righteousness, Patience etc comparing the works of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5:18-26 is not taken serious, but much is hypocritical.

We can go on and on tracing the wayward and broadway church activities which had totally shelved the Holy Spirit into religious cupboards and deliberately rejected God's originality Kingdom principles for the unholy alliance with Satan.

However, for the purpose of this short discourse, we have to be focused in our presentation.


To allow the Holy Spirit guide us about the matter, we must quickly return to Jesus Christ Himself.

The study of the Life of Christ Jesus is the only vindication and justification of Him which we are to follow.

Why is Christ's Name above all others?

The uniqueness of Christ being made different from all is found in God's love to rescue mankind from Satan's destruction. It's all about His mission to save us (by our faith) from Satan, sin, and death. (John 3:16)

So, as we look at the purpose of His coming to the world from above, it will help us know where to place focus on His true nature and assignment which all believers are obliged to follow. When He instructs us to follow Him, it is what we must strictly bear in mind by faith.

I find this reference in Philippians 2:8 & 9 to be absolutely leading in the study of the topic:

" And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:"

It is Christ's sacrificial and submissive obedience to the Father to the point of death that merited His position of power and the Title of the Name above all. This, therefore places a very serious demand upon the church to follow Him in strict like manner. More so, Christ said, "just like the Father had sent me, so also I have sent you." (John 20:21) To uphold this Word is keeping in the same obedience like Him, hence representing the true Christ Jesus above all others!


Before we continue, let's get to know more about the Person of Christ we are talking about. We must truly know him far beyond the common or usual church or religious knowledge and understanding of Him. Most of the time we think we have known Him but we are not able to... (to be continued)

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