Wednesday 30 August 2023


I hear the Holy Spirit sounding, "A Re-Start Over Program" is a major assignment for  renewed focus in one’s life. Oh Holy Spirit, expand the revelation into our inner beings in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen and Amen!

The journey seems to have taken so much time and distance, but there is no much corresponding desired and satisfied achievements. 

So, people keep consoling one another with various encouraging words and positive thoughts and ideas. 
And yet, it's like the sound keep echoing and hitting back on people. 

Some keep changing places or locations. While others had changed plans, types and strategies of businesses but still at the detriment of their long awaited peace, joy and comfort.

Crazy world! You think you've got all it takes to become something to reckon with in terms of employment, appointment, business, education, health, security and other benefits life can offer.  But deeply down within the heart, the yearnings,  vacuum and desperate search for more continues!

What's then the matter? What's actually lacking? Jesus told some people during His earthly Ministry, "'re careful and troubled about many things..." (Luke 10:41)
"...if you must be perfect..." (Matthew 19:21)

The secret of true success lies with being strictly Obedient to the Teaching of Christ Jesus.  Shortcuts to attainment of satisfaction and peace in life only lead to continued drowning into the quick sand of disappointments and frustration!

Always Allow the Holy Spirit to guide, teach and direct in all details of your life in Jesus Name! 

And if it means starting things allover again, fear not, there're so many mansions to perfectly do it God's way for His greatest Glory and Honour. Hallelujah!

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