Tuesday 29 August 2023


The Holy Spirit, our revealer of the deep things of God is always keeping us abreast with the most important and current Spiritual issues we must check and observe daily. 

In this episode of our Spiritual check and evaluation on my New Orientation blog we will consider the following:

1. Money is the root of all evil (1Timothy 6:10). Many people had embraced it so much that they've been seriously entangled and bound by its spirits of gambling, stealing, lying and fraud, loaning and borrowing etc. 

2. Sex is a lustful bodily game that can totally ruin every aspect of one's life. (1Cor 6:9-20)  The operating demons push a brother and sister, father and daughter, mother and son, man and man, woman and woman, humans and animals etc have sex with each other! Prostitution is not necessarily for money making but the spirits of sexual evil drag people into it!

3. Pleasure indulgence is a typical carnal lifestyle. Its spirits drive victims to gluttony, alcohol, drugs, sex, extravagant expenditures in fashion, relaxation, travelling, entertainment, games etc. 

4. Spiritism or a drive for humans to transcend  ordinary existence. The devils in control engage people into pride, selfishness, greed, urge to the rule and control over others etc thereby enticing them to seek for powers or strange abilities etc resulting to cultist groups, witchcraft, sorcery and satanic heathen practices.  

The above points are issues believers should be very careful about in their constant Spiritual check and evaluation. 

Let the Holy Spirit who is the Master of all spirits be allowed to supervise every aspect of our thoughts and intents to ensure that we are active and strong in Faith to please, glorify and Honour God in everything we do. Amen and Amen!

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