Tuesday 15 August 2023


Beloved brethren, I have noticed how death is speedily swallowing a multitude of people! It's the spirits related to death and the dead the devil uses steal, kill and destroy without a slight knowledge by his victims.  

I have decided to present this Spiritual awareness to help resist the devil to expose and overcome his strategies of destruction !

Hard to talk about and to share!  But I'm obliged in a rescue mission, representing Heaven on Earth!

To overcome the sinful mentalities of destructive orientations about death and the dead: 

1. Don't try to be the first to announce the death of someone to others. 

2. Remove every printed copy of  obituaries and funeral programmes in your house. 

3. If you're not led by the Holy Spirit, dare not think you can console the bereaved!

4. Don't ever think you're rendering godly service in active participation in funeral arrangements!

5. If you've not been regular in showing true love to people, don't pretend to be good to them when they die!

6. Ministers shouldn't fight over burials. After all, we're sent to raise the dead and not to bury them!

7. Did Christ Jesus ever conducted a funeral? If not, why is death worshipped and celebrated by many today?

8. Let's not do anything pertaining death because of it's popular attraction! 

To be continued after responses and comments. Blessings abundantly with Love in Jesus Name!

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