Sunday 28 January 2018


The missionaries came with a half baked Christian faith. With predominant loyalty to the heathen colonial masters, they built churches along side Hospitals, Schools, Seminaries etc. 
The indigenous church was left deprived from Faith and the understanding of the Power of the Holy Spirit. 
However, the Holy Bible had been in the hands of believers and yet the missionaries mentality had held many bound to the misled past!
Oh Lord Jesus Christ restore us to the Truth whom You are. Amen and Amen!!! 

Wednesday 17 January 2018


Special Announcement from the Desk of a God's Kingdom Citizen:

The Devil is the master architect of all evil. He runs the Dark kingdom with blood stream flows from humans and animals.

His agents of operations are demons. They are dispatched in legions. They are found everywhere in the whole world, no local community is exempted or excluded!


They are responsible to their master Satan and report to him constantly.
They are found in all religious, political, societal, educational, professional, governmental, etc groups and associations; Just camouflaged differently!

Every community is represented in Satan's kingdom, they are not divided. So the calamities in the whole world today should not be labelled on some particular aspects but on all satanic operations in the whole world!

They deceive and pretend to be at log ahead with each other, but are in full reconciliation and harmony with each other in their meetings!

Brethren, be spiritually informed, mind your Heavenly Master's assignments at your disposal. Fight the good fight of faith. Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Don't be distracted to be engaged in wrong battles; joining a camp that is not of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit according to the WORD!
(2018 and Beyond)
From Brother Matthew Arin Adams
Boiling Point Gospel Centre

Friday 12 January 2018


One of the  Prayer Retreats Participants

The Boiling Point Gospel Centre had anchored to the Ministry of Jesus Christ having discovered the truth in the Holy Scripture.

So partners, associates and all believers should be encouraged to support the move of God Almighty and follow us in this Gospel of the Kingdom focus until much is achieved to God's Glory!

"Recently, to be precise, from 2007 till today;  the Lord had graciously narrowed down our focus or vision; to strictly look at the earthly ministry of Jesus and to follow his footsteps as obtained in the following scriptures:
a) “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (Jn.14:12)"
visit us: www.boilingpoint