Sunday 26 November 2023



Serving God is never found in the classroom. No man can teach you how to know God! 

Only the Holy Spirit does it God's way!


The most destructive orientation that distracts and hinder personal Spiritual growth in ministry and general progress in life is the IMITATION of men. 

And the most productive and successful approach to great, powerful and significant Spiritual attainment is only in the strict IMITATION OF CHRIST JESUS!

Saturday 18 November 2023


This Serious Spiritual Warning Goes to Church's or Ministries' 

GOs, GSs, Founders,  Presidents  etc 

"Spare yourselves the end times miseries by sharing your accumulated wealth with millions who're in abject poverty around you. 

The present hardships are the indications of God's Warning to try your faithfulness in perfecting your ministries of giving and sharing with the poor and needy!

I can hear Him warn, "You've not done well enough!" 


Watch out prayerfully on being sacrificially committed to this instruction to escape the consequences of rebellion and disobedience."

Mercy Oh Lord!

Saturday 4 November 2023


The Bible clearly states that the wages of sin is death. Death is the payment for a sinful life. (Romans 6:23) Also the soul that sins must die! 

The number one remedy for good health is to live a sinless life. You can observe all the suggestions by various experts with regards to a healthy life but unbelief and sin is the most outrageous highest killer of mankind. 

That's why Christ Jesus must be seriously sought for in every life detail! (John 14:6)

It's of great concern and very pathetic to hear of the sudden demises of many young people today. 

Talking about death and the dead issues is like a forbidden issue to me. 

But it had become very necessary for me to highlight the causes of deaths amongst the tender ages today. 

I believe this will, by God’s Power reduce the risk and rate of deaths and make young people become very fruitful and fulfilled according to God's plan for their lives!

1. The wrong religious doctrines which make people resist the power ministry of the Holy Spirit and faith had been one of the major cause of deaths. 

People only think of hospitals and other medical means to their health and never care about God’s direct method of healing by the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus. 

2. Engaging in Satan's agencies for money making is another cause of quick life termination.

 The enemy always pays back with the other side of the coin (which is death) which victims hardly take careful consideration to it.

3. Close to No 1 above, the negligence and or ignorance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit makes many people to be drawn to operations of familiar spirits, especially witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery etc. And their major assignment and game is stealing, killing and destruction. 

4. Rushing into the pursuit of fame and popularity without seeking Heavenly guidance is ruining many young people. Many are introduced to cultist groups here...

5. Competing with others or comparing oneself with others is another cause the devil uses to trap people in the net of short-term living!

6. I believe someone will get the message and help others with it. If need be, other points can be added to this. 

Blessings upon Blessings!