Tuesday 23 February 2021


1. It's written, believers must face it

2. It's a test for those who will endure to the end. 

3. It's a Spiritual ingredient for revival in a backsliding church. 

4. It's an expression of God's Love for the children He disciplines!

5. It's to draw the attention of ministers to return to their original calling. 

6. It's a call for repentance in the body of Christ Jesus!

7. It's to get God's people out of pride to genuine humility!

Don't fight every difficulty, trouble, hardship or painful experiences. They are for the greatest Glory of God if accepted by Faith and Thanksgiving in Jesus'Name!

Monday 22 February 2021



This is what I can't hide or be ashamed of. My passion for God's Kingdom principles and advancement is beyond the madness of a person possessed by millions of demons. 

Actually, the Holy Ghost had baptized and filled me to an overflowing capacity. And He is in absolute rule over every aspect of my life. Yes, I don't own anything self anymore!

If you must win my friends request confirmation and keep the social media relationship, then you must be conscious of your own passions so that cordiality can be sustained!

I LOVE YOU BUT NOT NECESSARILY WITH SOME THINGS YOU CHERISH! Blessings for the Spiritual understanding!

Tuesday 16 February 2021



You can name the greatest world's advocates of justice, human right activists,  religious protestors, political bulldozers, gurus of entertainment and business etc...

As long as it boils down to human ability, wisdom and power, it remains an endless futility and vicious circle!

Friends, I don't think you deserve this kind of life treatment. We all need something more smarter and greater than the world's repeation of imitations of limitations.  

We must involve God Almighty through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit in His Mighty Name!!! Amen and Amen!

Wednesday 10 February 2021



One of the most mysterious and exciting things about walking in the Spirit is the Holy Spirit's control that makes me different and unpredictable  and difficult to be understood!

Except you're in the Spirit, it's impossible to be in Agreement with the Spirit filled and ruled person. Be baptized and remain occupied by the Holy Spirit and keep company with your kind in Christ's Kingdom here on Earth and eternally in His Mighty Name!

An amazing and greatest benefit of being Spiritually Minded is the ability to believe and understand the mind of God Almighty in Christ Jesus, that's in the Word. Hallelujah and Amen!

Monday 1 February 2021




The Holy Communion is not a church religious terminology, but a reality Spiritual lifestyle to remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus enabling believers to keep their Bearing in Him now through eternity!

So much error had been attached to this one and only heritage which had deprived innocent believers from experiencing the true Holy essence of partaking in Christ! 

When Jesus was sharing this life changing Bread (Flesh) and Wine (Blood), the issues of baptismal credentials were not involved! Judas Iscariot His betrayer was a partaker! 

"As often as we can, do it in remembrance of me," says Jesus! This is the only thing our Lord Jesus said we should remember Him for and not what  the worldly church had fabricated for selfish reasons!

Don't wait for a month to month false doctrinal rule of the Communion in regular remembrance of the Lord Jesus. 

Regularly partake  in the Flesh and the Blood of Jesus signified in the Bread and the Wine (non-alcoholic). 

Do it in the family, in your office, on a trip, wherever and whenever to maintain constant holiness and righteousness before God Almighty in Jesus'Name!

For further encouragement read: (Matthew 26:20-28; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-21; John 6:33-58; 1Cor 11:23-30)