Friday 1 May 2020


Brethren, How can we have and keep our relationship with God? Often times we think we love God and we are sure we relate with Him well, but truly speaking the commitment is very inadequate.

Let's consider the words of Christ Jesus; "Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)

There are just so much religious activities going on today and many are deceived thinking by them they  have fellowship or communion with God and that will take them to Heaven, but it's far from the truth.

In most cases people make meaningless noises before God in the name of worship, but hardly pay attention to what He says to the church. In fact listening to God is the greatest challenge to believers. If only we can hear Him well, we would be more faithful in obedience to His Word and service.

A true relationship with God has to do with talking to Him and listening to Him, one without the other disrupts and hinders a rewarding relationship. In listening, we must allow ourselves to be confined to God's presence Spiritually.

The exercise of keeping one's heart empty for God's Spirit to have space to occupy is a great necessity. Both external and inner noises must be kept away on a constant basis. If  this is done, then Unreserved submission is sealed and unshakeable and irrevocable ministry of Christ in the believers stands forever. Amen.

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