Wednesday 13 January 2021


It is glaringly clear that for selfish reasons that Nations seek to destroy one another. Certainly, relying on human wisdom further away from God's Kingdom principles can be responsible for the curses of self destruction!

When God's place is totally ignored in the administrations of governments, undoubtedly the powers of darkness must be employed in the areas of witchcraft, fetish practices, cultists frameworks etc. 

The Devil in the first place rebelled against God Almighty, thereby inciting the human race into the same behaviour; not fighting against the Creator but also destroying one another so millions world over would be dragged into eternal damnation!

But by the eternal Devine providence, God's love for mankind couldn't be thwarted. Christ Jesus fulfilled His Kingdom MISSION to rescue mankind from the grip of the arch enemy of Jehovah! 

We're now left with a very wonderful option to return to God Almighty and resist the Devil and he must flee from us so that we can freely love one another and please God with our Faith now to eternity in Jesus'Name. 

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