Tuesday 31 January 2023


Beloved Brethren,  I believe  we're aware of the confrontation by endless trials and failing human efforts. We must sincerely leave for God Almighty to handle it for us!

I've always heard noisy sounds! Some call it "civil right or political activists" others are called, "anti-corruption fighers" there are also, "community security watches" etc... These are the common and usual sounds that had never changed anything. They're ordinary failing human efforts! So they're excused!?!?! 

 But how can one ever excuse an Institution that says it operates under Divine unction? 

 Can the church which had abandoned her legitimate post of assignment to advance the Government of Christ and gone after worldliness be discharged and acquitted by the eternal Judge? 

 However, the Remnant under the Heavenly Father's Mercy Seat is strategically located in various places around the globe, crying in fervent intercessions. Until Christ's Advocating Power intervenes! 

 And so, we selflessly announce the liberty of the oppressed and get rid of all contrary and opposing spiritual controls over lives and cast them out to their eternal destination and destruction in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!

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