Saturday 20 May 2023


Christ's Teaching and Ministry should be strictly maintained and observed in true and faithful personal calling. Therefore, a very close and constant look at Christ's image and likeness within and outward our lives can help us represent Heaven on Earth. 

Due to so many influences and orientations, sometimes we think it's the Gospel we preach, but going a bit deeper, it isn't Christ Jesus we represent! 

We're made to believe that it's wise to use baits to catch the fish. If care is not sought, the Holy Spirit will totally be left out of the exercise, and this could be very disastrous in the lives of the people concerned.

It's only by the Holy Spirit’s strategies that the Kingdom of God, according to Christ's Teaching, can be adequately preached, realised and advanced.

The candid observations needed is to examine and evaluate our ministry performances in the light of Christ's own Ministry.  If nothing takes after His approach, consider it irrelevant, unproductive and fruitless!

The crux of the matter is, Christ's Ministry never intended to leave its clients or audiences in the sinful or carnal lifestyle. Whatever is done must cause or effect a dramatic encounter of change or transformation.  Change from the old sinful nature to the born again new life (John 3:3,5; Romans 8:6-7).

So, we must caution the intentions or motives of all ministries not to be financially driven in greed and other self seeking glory!

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