Thursday 11 July 2024



“For false christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.”

Matthew 24.24, Mark 13:22

It's very evident that false christs and prophets have arisen in the whole world. This is to mislead people and drag them into hell fire. 

Unfortunately, many are already in the pit of hell and millions are still on track as a result of their deception! 

The history of false doctrine had been long. The Jewish religious community resisted the teaching of the Lord Jesus. The influence of opposition to the Truth had also spread throughout the world and it negatively affected the early church in Nigeria. 

When the believer doesn't know the true Christ it is very easy to get trapped in the cage of falsehood! 

And frankly speaking, many people prefer to listen to men rather than Christ Himself. 

The Broadway church which had led many to the easy way to the false heaven is hereby seriously warned to repent and teach and lead their congregations back to the narrow path of the Christian Faith. 

“‘These people draw near to me with their mouth,and honor me with their lips;but their heart is far from me.

And they worship me in vain,

teaching as doctrine rules made by men” Matthew 15.8-9

We are praying relentlessly until a massive miraculous Holy Ghost revival spreads worldwide to convert the falsehood to the Truth in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! 

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