Friday 22 January 2016


My exit from the political scene and religious church arena for years now had increased my understanding of trusting God to solve all problems of life!

Over the years, I have realized that every man made effort to have things work has no effective results and do not last long but temporal.

As I consider the years of languishing in the state of underdevelopment by my kinsmen; prayer zeal increased as well, knowing full well that the situation is beyond the common.

And the Lord in His sufficient grace set me on a higher spiritual platform by His own Spirit; I therefore resume my position as His Kingdom ambassador on earth to also ensure that things begin to work well at the perspective of the supernatural in Jesus’ Name...
The major cause of developmental set back in Jos East had been witchcraft. There is no need to say more than this; because the majority of people may never be able to discern spiritually; and so one’s godly intention may as well be quoted wrongly!

Let me simply go straight to the point. I command, by the authority bestowed on me, an absolute departure to the pit of hell all witchcraft demons possessing any of my kinsmen in Jesus’ Name...

Based on the authority of the Blood Covenant, the power of the Holy Ghost Fire and the Operations of the Angels in the community; I command all unclean, familiar and destructive spirits to be cast out now in Jesus’ Name....

The roads from Zarazon to Maijuju (Mai-tsarki) to Zandi to Maigemu; from Gora to Ribung; from Zarazon to Fobur to Federe to Angware; from Maza to Gwisti to Shere to Angware; I command them all to receive special attention and be fully constructed in Jesus’ Name...

I apply the Word that proceeds from God’s mouth to announce the demolition, uprooting, scattering and frustration of the operations of the spirits of underdevelopment in Jesus’ Name...  

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