Tuesday 11 April 2017


Friends in the Lord's Vineyard,

Glory be to God Almighty for your consistency in prayer and support to this Ministry. This had brought great success in the various aspects of His Kingdom promotion especially the soul winning and discipleship assignment. We appreciate you immensely in Jesus Name...

Over the years we had undergone at the Centre a number of events related to the God's Government Reality Reign; ensuring the Ministry of Christ Jesus taking the centre stage of the Christian's personal lives.

We have gone for local outreaches to a number of States in Nigeria including Nasarawa, Gombe, Bauchi, Adamawa, Taraba, Kaduna etc. We are thankful to God Almighty for the definite outcomes of the programs to the glory of God in Jesus Name.

God must be honored also in the  nation's outreaches in conjunction with other ministries to Niamey and Maradi in the Republic of Niger, Benin, Egypt, S/Africa, Mali, Australia etc.

In the next few days we will be ministering in Bete, Takum LG, Taraba State. We covet your usual intercession for many souls in bondages even in churches. We believe in the supernatural provisions for the conversion of souls in Jesus Name.

Our daily Mobile Faith Comes by Hearing had been very effective. The Treasure Audio Bible, CDs, Bibles, Tracts and our various publications, clothes, foodstuffs etc had been extended to many to the glory of God Almighty.

The Scholarship Scheme, ministry of Widows and Orphans, Drug Addicts, Aged, Moslem Converts, Support to other Ministries etc had been the concern of the ministry to the glory of God Almighty in Jesus Name.

Thanks for your attention and God bless you in Jesus Name!
Brother Matthew Arin Adams
Boiling Point Gospel Centre, (Fb, website, neworientation1.blogspot.com)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. may God bless and keep you. may God open the heavens for you in ministry, faith and utterance
