Monday 10 April 2017


Since the Lord saved me and freed me from the dungeon of church religion; it had been my deep concern to allow Him use me for many to also have the great experience!

I pray almost daily for younger generation never to pass through the same path of religious entanglements; being committed but with no tangible blessings!

The imprisonment of church activities with nothing to show for it is the most difficult thing to relinquish or forego! I see many languishing in such ambiguity!

The night I was rounding up my struggled 70 days fasting became another experience full of liberty within me because of the assurance of seeing many walking out of the iron gates of meaningless form of righteousness.

I glorify God Almighty for the restoration of the consciousness of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ; the knowledge of God redeeming many to their personal relationship with Him which is the determining factor to eternal glory!

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