Monday 10 July 2017


There is nothing so glorious in my life like the beauty of being aware of God's wisdom and knowledge through His Spirit in Christ our Lord! Without this, people had continued in wrong pursuits of life!

Ignorance of God is total depravity and darkness! One can be highly intelligent in any secular discipline, but without God that soul is still in a disgraceful dilemma.

Unfortunately, the church had contributed in keeping millions in constant nightmares. Why? Instead of teaching the Truth, world's orientations had suggested several competitive routines!

If God's wisdom and knowledge were embraced seriously, the church would have changed the world according to His eternal purpose long before now!

It is never too late. We can be restored to God's originality by pure engagement to radical FAITH that can move mountains.

Even without schools, hospitals, businesses etc of human abilities, the world can be restored to God's originality by the power of the Holy Spirit in Christ our Lord and still operate successfully! 
(Matthew 6:33)

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