Tuesday 18 July 2017


Since the rise of ISIS and other warring factions in Syria, an estimated two million Syrians have fled to Lebanon where they now live as refugees. Having experienced the brutalities perpetrated by Jihadists, great numbers of refugees have become totally disillusioned with Islam and are open to hearing the Gospel. An unprecedented opportunity currently exists to reach these precious souls. 

A well-respected ministry to refugees, Horizons International, is seeing a great many refugees in Lebanon turning to Christ; a significant number of whom have previously encountered Jesus in a vision or dream and are eagerly seeking more information about Him. 

What is needed now is God’s Word – but because only a third of Syrian refugees are literate, MegaVoice and a growing number of ministries are partnering to distribute 100,000 solar audio Bibles. By God’s grace, a million refugees could be reached with the Good News in the coming months. By having a solar audio Bible of their own, Christian refugees will be built up in their faith and others will hear about the Lord Jesus for the first time. Please pray for us as we continue looking for more ministry partners and the financial resources needed to carry out this God-given task.

May the Lord bless you richly, 

You should be provoked to pray and send some help as led by the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name....
Brother Matthew Arin Adams

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