Wednesday 25 August 2021


Jesus Christ admitted personally before Pilate to have been born King and for the same purpose He was sent to the world. And prophecies confirmed that He came to set up and run a Government that has no end. Luke 1:33.

Unfortunately, God's people over decades had rebelled and decided to prefer man-made Government to God's Kingdom. This choice certainly had come with devastating consequences which had caused so much pain and regrets to the world. 

Surely, the rejection of God's plan for humanity through Christ Jesus His Son will continue to remain thorns in the flesh of the rebellious until restoration back to the original plan is effected. 

The church must be restored to God's Word by being strictly obedient to the original plan and pattern of rule through Christ by the precepts of the Holy Spirit and then will there be true God's Kingdom operation on Earth and the end will come. Matthew 24:14

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