Monday 17 April 2023


To be explicit about the issues at stake, let us take a careful look at the followings:

1. Attention to the Holy Spirit and His operations or functions in church activities had been totally despised, resisted and ignored!

2. Walking by Faith and not by sight was only given lips service. We have seen how cases that require faith to be dealt with oror resolved ended up in hospitals, courts, community disputes, clashes etc. 

3. Focus was shifted to secular education for knowledge and wisdom instead of faith in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

4. Miracles are denied the rightful place in believers. Rather, human resources in ordinary various skillfulness had taken the center stage of almost all performances.

5. Churches ignorantly or deliberately opted for the world system of government to run ministries and services. For example, there are presidents, general overseers, Superintendents, senior pastor etc, rather than following the pattern and instructions of Christ Jesus about leadership. 

6. Churches developed into congregations, leaving millions of potential workers of God's vineyard as mare Sunday to Sunday perpetual bench warmers. Many, with definite callings are frustrated, if they will not attend a Bible school or college. And not by relying on the baptism power of the Holy Spirit which is the only Christ's approved method of evangelism and church growth!

7. Money had become the most dangerous agenda of many churches. In fact, we can categorically term many pulpits as altars of mammons! It has taken the place of winning souls and making disciples of all nations. One can imagine how much desperate people need salvation, but the church is busy with money making ventures.

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