Monday 17 April 2023


Considering what so many Christians had experienced spiritually; not being able to achieve the desired or expected faith satisfaction and calling assignment as believers. 

It is of very serious necessity to accept the challenge of working out ways of dealing with the past that is responsible for the spiritual setbacks and upheavals in many lives.

We glorify God Almighty for raising people in strategic positions and locations worldwide in dealing with such or similar issues of spiritual downfalls. 

We count ourselves specially privileged to be a part of this great worldwide Revival assignment in our own location.

What we are specifically talking about is the long termed drifting away from Biblical Truth of the Teaching and Ministry of Christ Jesus. 

To many, it was the faulty foundation laid by the first missionaries to some of our indeginous churches. While others as a result of share negligence and disobedience to God's Word by the church.

However, whatever the case, we have identified serious problems of false doctrines in the church that had been accepted as truth, whereas they are developed into gross satanic programs. And many are caged to these deceptions. (To be continued...)

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