Friday 25 March 2016


A book review in progress; an abstract of its foreword...
"...Ministry without the Holy Spirit makes the Church to become a total desolation. Below is the List of things that happen without the Holy Spirit in the church:
1.    Apostasy, Heresy, falsehood and counterfeit signs and wonders in the church (Matt. 24:11).
2.    Strive and unhealthy competition for fame and popularity; thereby the struggle for high number of membership, wrong pursuit for prosperity or material possessions. (Matt.23:5-7).
3.    Christianity becomes a religion without genuine accompanied power, thereby, making ministers to seek for powers, titles and other forms of recognition from the devil. (1 Tim. 4:1-5, Acts 8:17-20).

4.    Human intellect begins to dominate the administration in the church. Incompetence, inadequacy, conspiracies and suspicions become very pronounced. (Ecc. 1:17-18, Prov. 3:5-6)...."

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