Tuesday 26 April 2016


Before the nation is freed from all curses which had befallen her as a result of wilful or wanton transgressions and compromising with satanic orientations in government and church circles; repentance must be enforced in every individual citizen, to the family units, then it could be extended to a wider society of the nation.

We must be prepared to accept the reality of our inability to do it with our own power; we all need the help of God Almighty in Christ Jesus by His Spirit, He is the power above ours and others, He can help enforce repentance into our personal, family, community and national lives.

The uppermost requirement is self denial; we must relinquish our pride and arrogance of relying on what we have been teaching each other, something called secular intellectualism! We must admit our folly of despising the Highest Authority and turning to our fables and futile limitations in search for solutions in life!
See how we have messed up God’s natural beauty; altering glory and decency with rotten artificiality and decadence. Can’t you see how we all struggle to make ends meet every day when we should concern ourselves with restful and peaceful living; by having faith in God our Creator to do it for us by His Spirit’s intimation and instruction?

We must be compelled from within us to change our wrong concept of God Almighty; let us stop enslaving each other (in government and religious circles) but allow God to have preeminence over us so that we can fully represent Him by becoming our brother’s keepers in Jesus’ Name....

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