Sunday 10 April 2016


Spiritual ignorance is the greatest malady of many who claim to be Christians today!  Without God’s wisdom and understanding by His Spirit in us; we can never be useful tools for heavenly functions on earth. Let’s trust God for a higher and serious Spiritual adjustment to attain more of our Fathers nature in Jesus’ Name....

Paul admonishes the church; “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.”(1Cor 12:1). We all therefore need God’s wisdom and understanding to overcome the spiritual darkness that hinders our true relationship with God in Jesus’ Name...

Many of us are unable to gain definite consciousness of our spiritual existence such that we can permit the Holy Spirit to fully rule over us; no wonder the devil torments many through various afflictions and hardships simply because of this ignorance!

The demons are Satan’s agents or spirits for stealing, killing and destruction; while the Holy Spirit accompanied by His agencies called the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are the operative heavenly powers that also contradict the kingdom of darkness fighting our lives in Jesus’ Name... 

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