Saturday 9 April 2016


The wrong concept of God Almighty had deluded the faith of many people. How can you serve the God without having an idea and knowledge of Him? When your understanding of God is only based on people’s (Instructors/Teachers/Mallams) views and influences; how can you ever have a personal relationship with Him?

There is a misleading view; many think that the Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists and other heathen practitioners are the ones bearing the burden of the wrong belief in God. Ironically, many church people had been trapped in the same syndrome.

Religious traditions had deprived many from a true revelation with God Almighty. Once the pattern given by God Himself is rejected; there is no way one can get true knowledge of Him. Jesus said, God gave Him the charge over all powers; it is only through Him can people see God by faith. (Jn 14:6)  

Unless Jesus Christ the Son of God is given His rightful place in the heart; that is, an expression of faith in Him; there will never be clearer revelation of the truth about God. Calling Him Lord, Lord without an intimate closeness by His Spirit leaves many souls in utter despair and hopelessness! 

I pray that many who had been lost in false religious concept of God be delivered from all demons of paganism in Jesus’ Name....

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