Sunday 6 December 2015


As I pray great blessings for my December friends; round up the year with peculiar thanksgivings for gracious blessings of 2015 and expectations for what 2016 had promised and HBD in Jesus’ Name...

If you were careful to consider the great favours of God throughout 2015; you will notice that it had been an awesome year of fulfillment. Many had passed through hard times and disappointments but the lessons learnt had superseded the pains and shame encountered in Jesus’ Name...   

Many can say they enjoyed 2015 so much in the areas of good health, opportunities, material wealth, marriages, and many more blessings; it should have still been a wonderful reason to glorify God and never to serve the devil in Jesus’ Name...  

Whatever you must have done in 2015 that you know very well did not honor and please God; maybe you lived the life of stealing, sexual sin, idol worship, alcohol and drugs taking, a pretending church goer, etc;  before the year rounds up, REPENT of all sins in Jesus’ Name...

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