Tuesday 1 December 2015


God Almighty had supremely favoured us with unlimited grace to call on our friends, partners, associates and brethren of His whole House in, around Jos and outside of  Plateau State to participate in this year‘s Prayer Retreat (CLOSETS 2015).
The next two days will cherish your increased fervent prayers for safety, protection and expectant preparedness as we all converge at the Boiling Point Gospel Centre for the Retreat which is tagged “IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS.”  

A summary of the thrust of the program is as follows:
It is no more hearsay that almost two third of ministries or churches had deviated from the strict observance of the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We call His name many times in prayer, preaching, teaching, meetings (social, political, religious etc); but hardly does the Name mean much to us!
1.     This Prayer Retreat majors on prayer for a renewed and strict obedience and restoration to the lifestyle and ministry of Jesus Christ.  
 The Holy Spirit’s role should be fully restored as the Lord Jesus is Himself our baptizer!
 There should be a consistent revisit to Golgotha as a reminder of the New Covenant in the Blood of Jesus with whose victory on the Cross we can run the race effectively.
 Re-adjusting our ministry focus to Jesus Christ regardless of the seeming successes or losses and diversions or distractions!
A  Switch over to the New Orientation of strict Christ-likeness.
6.      Making a sharp u-turn from the worldly approaches; to return to the gospel of the kingdom as taught by Jesus Christ.

Sharing the experiences of our personal and cooperate ministries for prayer and further encouragement.

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