Tuesday 9 June 2020


This is one of the tracts among many awaiting printing. Thanks and Blessings for praying along to God's Glory. Amen!

Take a minute to recite this powerful Heavenly prayer gift by Christ Jesus to His believers;

“...Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name.
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven...” Mt 6:9, 10

What is your understanding, interpretation and conviction of “...Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven...”? Your answer will determine your response and action about it in your daily life expression and experience.

We insist on this long existing power pack revelation because it had been and is still the present heartbeat of God’s plan and mission through Christ to give His church, the believing community of the world a final back-slap in its coma state. The fire brand revival is unstoppably ensuing and many are catching its tongues-faith-flames to be Restored to God's Kingdom arrangement here on Earth!

The desperation on the faces of many in all nations of the world is a clear evidence of hopelessness, despair and confusion. Worldliness had played a major part in ruling many; and disappointments and utter futility had mounted higher than expected!

Every Spiritual upright can easily discern what informed this state of derail; God's heirs expected to represent Him in authority and power had been made the object of ridicule in the face of the world!?

The Truth is, the world system controls God's people if His laid down standard and principles were ignored, rejected and despised. When God's Word in Christ's ministry is resisted, conventional religious ‘Christianity' takes to the centre stage. This had resulted to what is happening in the political scene in the world today!

This topic needs an elaborate approach and research. Meanwhile, based on Spiritual inspiration and definite experiences, the Truth is not hard to find and expressed!

How did the church get involved in partisan politics? It is because Christ's ministry and His Kingdom principles were mistakenly or deliberately misinterpreted. By the way, how can you have a Christian school only to teach and practice secular knowledge in it? What happened to the Spiritual discipline, exercise and growth according to the exact approach by God Almighty through Christ Jesus?

Why should the unbelieving world invent a political order or system and invite the church for participation? (Sometimes I wonder whether there had been Christians in this aspect in the first place!). If the early missionaries and the indigenous churches had insisted on Christ's Kingdom orientation which are clearly defined in His teachings in Matthew chapters 5,6,&8, and other references of the Holy Bible, would there be the need for the wrong alternative called politics?

The Lord’s Prayer had been with us since the time Christ Jesus freely gave it to the disciples who in turn passed it on to the church. Since then it had been a mere recitation, chorus or doxology at the end of church gatherings! Though it had been for long decades, but, for God's sake, it is time to get back to the reality practice and application of it!

The most fundamental assignment of Heaven on Earth is the impact the Lord’s Prayer handed over to the church ought to make in many lives who profess or recite it.
Let this Heavenly prayer make impact in the world. Because we declare the Lord’s Prayer with the faith of earning its reality benefits in our lives and its rule over the world, that was what Christ meant by what He said;
“...Your will be done earth as it is in Heaven...” (Mt 6:10.)

Heaven on earth; as we confess Christ on earth so in heaven we shall be confessed; the same with His denial here on earth so shall men be denied in Heaven. (Luke 12:8, 9)

Heaven on earth; there is assurance of Heaven complying with and acting upon our decisions to bind and loose anything here on earth. The faith of two or three witnesses can compel divine response to prayer and His presence in reality. (Mt 18:18-20.)

Heaven on earth; "Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Lk 15:10.)

Heaven on earth; the definite declaration of our arrival to the Heavenly composition and we being partakers of the inheritance of God... (Hebrews 12:22-24).

Heaven on earth; the saints adorned in glorious attire washed by the precious Blood of the Lamb of God assigned to worship Him day and night who is seated on His Throne in the midst of them. (Rev 7:13-15.)

Heaven on earth:
“...Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest...” (Is 66:1).

Earthly church structures mean nothing to God; our Spiritual or heart temples concern Him most!
Heaven on earth; let us secure our treasures in Heaven; our hearts shall also be secured and protected from evil attack or spoil. (Mt 6:20,21; 19:21.)

Heaven on earth; “...Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!” (Rev 19:1.)
For God's is the Power, Honour and Glory forever and ever. Amen!

Contact Address:
Brother Matthew Arin Adams
Boiling Point Gospel Centre, Uphill Opp Jevicho Filling Station, Bauchi Ring Road, Jos Nigeria. Email: revivingnigeria@gmail.com +234 803 703 5048

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