Friday 11 December 2015


The general out cry of many graduates and other young people in society is that of unemployment. Many had allowed the wicked one to destroy their God’s blessed lives because of frustration, fear, and discouragement; they had embraced drugs, alcohol, prostitution and other sinful vices to be an excuse for their predicaments!

Let us face the issue with dare frankness! Do not blame the government, your big brother or sister, your political representative, your pastor, community leader etc for your problems. You must rely on God prayerfully to order your steps in life; He made you, trust Him for every detail of your existence in Jesus’ Name...

You can create jobs; engage yourself into gainful ventures by faith. Be bold enough to commit your life to God in the area of ministry or mission work. There are many young people out there who had risk their lives into the mission fields; today God is making things beautiful in His time for them in Jesus’ Name...

Have you thought of doing some farming; start small and it will grow. For instance, if it is poultry; even ten birds can be a good start. There are also missionary schools in distant locations; be strong and courageous to join any missionary organization by faith and serious prayers and before you know it you will forget your frustration in Jesus’ Name....    

Do you know that there are many also out there who are gainfully employed; but their lives have nothing to show as a guarantee for good living. They are never happy on the job; though they stressfully looked for such opportunities. Others had become professionals in their careers but all they face is discontentment! We need to involve God in our endeavors and He will direct our lives in Jesus’ Name...       

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