Tuesday 2 May 2017


Western civilization had all this while monopolized the most prominent place trying and hoping to give the world a new face. One can as well seem to accept the notion that without it, mankind would have remained static and apathetic.
 As we wander in our thoughts, whether or not we can applaud the initiatives of human modernism, we must in the same vein still query the authenticity of its genuine and enduring transformational value it had accorded the human life.
What can truly take the place of God; that which must produce an earthly enduring and eternal fulfillment in our entire existence? We are limited in space and time to argue at length about it here.
However, the title of the article had already put to rest so much contention; there is absolutely and truly no substitute to God.
Overtime, there were several claims that mankind would collapse without experts in the many fields of human endeavor; knowledge and science. These claims were advanced with the very definite intentions of making the ridicule of God and His ability; stressing that man within self is well able and good enough to succeed without an external driving force called God.
There were similar instances in Biblical times; where man-made authorities wanted to operate without acknowledging the place of God, they ended up in total disgrace. Check the accounts of the Bible characters like Moses with Pharaoh in Egypt; Joseph with his family and later with Pharaoh; Daniel in Babylon just to mention a few. Each time people try to wave aside the idea and issues of God, they usually multiply greater woes upon themselves.

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