Wednesday 31 May 2017


An Ought for Spiritual Lifestyle
Carnality on stage is the human nature; the flesh at profuse display! And it is enmity with God.  “For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.” (Rom. 8:7-8) NLT
Of recent, a beauty outfit was confronted because of the kind of half-naked dresses on display. A beer parlour was likewise confronted for being death traps in business. The reactions were unfavourable. The enemy tells them,
‘Money is made so fast this way…’ Hmn!
The carnal mentality keeps its victims in the captivity of feeding on the food of human nature; seeking pleasure on lusting and abiding in the lines of depravity; a false belief of living for and to please the flesh. These helpless victims of carnality do not see beyond themselves and so they end up becoming selfish consumers and not able to produce anything good for themselves let alone the society.
This kind of life needs total overhaul by divine gracious refurbishing. Let us pass on these wise sayings to our readers. Recognition and true identity is only found by faith in Christ. Although the devil is fighting this truth, but there is never a substitute to it.
Take a close look at the young Bible characters in the persons of Joseph (Gen 37-50), David (1Sam 17), Daniel (chs1-7), Esther (chs1-8), and especially the lifestyle and ministry of Jesus Christ.  One cannot emulate these characters by the help and comfort of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus without receiving the abundant life which enlightens every aspect of human existence.

You cannot accept the indwelling Christ and lack what to say and do. In Christ, we can overcome inferiority phobia or obsession; in Christ we can put on a new posture; not disguising indecently or offensively. In Christ Jesus, we can see beyond ordinary living, we can actually live by faith and not by sight.

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