Friday 5 May 2017


(From the Boiling Point Gospel Centre's Website News Letter January 2012)

Paul, the renown apostle, encouraged the church; “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience;” (Rom 5:3). We should know what trouble builds or forms in the Christian’s heart; that is patience! What for? Read verses 4 and 5. 
Yes, we have endured so much fears and afflictions, yet, this is the hour; the season or time to serve God in Spirit and Truth than ever! That means, to love our neighbours as ourselves, pray for those who persecute us. Let’s shun asking and answering unchristian questions, but cry for mercy to carry out the word faithfully! God makes no mistakes, just believe Him!
Be further encouraged, the hand writing had been long on the wall. Wars and conflicts world over today are not necessarily religious. It is the rage and savage of Satan; the wicked advancement of his kingdom of darkness; to have many dragged into the hell fire.
Although the church is persecuted in many parts of the world today, and we are all concerned, but so much confusion continue to baffle, shock and daze the brains of their so-called wise! People of the same beliefs, communities, businesses, descendants, families; even people of the same ‘church’ denomination are fighting and destroying lives and properties; the heathen fighting among themselves. 
And the ‘Church of our Lord Jesus’ also entangled and involved in all manner of battles and vices against each other? Fear the enemy within than the one outside.  A kingdom, city, or house divided against itself, must certainly collapse! (Mt 12:25; Mk 3:24; Lk 11:17). Church, we must stop this draft of the compromise of heathenism and keep in place the non-negotiable pasture to the Truth!

Finally, remember the days of Daniel 2. The Messianic prophesy; the reign of the Christ; Jesus the Son of God as King; the most disputed and reviled controversy of all ages is brought to bear here. The Stone which the builders rejected and despised; Jesus Christ they hated, mocked and killed is now the ONLY hope to the whole of God’s creation. 
We do not seek any one’s endorsement and admiration to make us insist on this vehement claim! “Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.”  (Dan 2:35)

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