Saturday 25 July 2015


How much time and money have you spent on the spiritual training of your children? They can attend the best schools from nursery to the university; but without the best spiritual discipline, you may be spending so much on a future cultist, prostitute, arm robber, terrorist, homosexual, lesbian etc! God forbid that about your child!

Unfortunately, it is hard to find the best spiritual training in the organized secular oriented institutes. Even the missionary oriented institutions lack the appropriate spiritual staffing; these schools just bear good Christian names but Christ is never closely involved in what they claim to represent!

Some Churches are also incapable of offering such Holy Ghost oriented services. You may rely on your church to train your child during the holiday; but you may end up disappointed because the pastor in charge may also be lacking in strict Christ-like orientation!

I attended the Boys Brigade when I was about seven years old in the sixties; I was in a mission school from childhood; I was privileged to grow in a Christian home from infancy; but could not get the spiritual orientation that could handle the challenges I was to be confronted with far away from home!

Think about it and prepare to treat your ward’s destiny with much caution NOW before it is hard to correct after spending some years away from you!     

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