Thursday 23 July 2015


What God dislikes most is what people always want to do:
1.  God said man should have dominion over His creation… (Gen 1:28). But men rebelliously want to rule over their fellow humans. (1Kg 18:18)

2.  God instructs us to be humble so that He will exalt us… (Jas 4:10). But many people are driven by the spirits of pride seeking worldly fame. (Pr 29:23)

3.  The Lord Jesus explicitly commanded us to deny ourselves if we must truly follow Him… (Mt 16:24). But many who profess Christ as their Lord today will insist to remain self-centred… (Mt 16:26).

4.  Believers are cautioned to seek first the Kingdom of God for other essentials of life to work out for us; but most a times many have chosen to pursue life the worldly way. (Mt. 6:25-34)

5.  The church had been mandated to succeed and be victorious on earth only by the power of the Holy Ghost, but on the contrary denominations and individuals had insisted on their man-made rules, traditions and doctrines. (Col 2:8).   

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