Tuesday 14 July 2015


Why should a child be adopted by someone’s consent? What about the opinion of the baby? What is God saying about this man-made initiative?

Every new born baby had been given a name and pointed to a destiny by God. Men usually make wrong assumptions of what others would become in life; but the Creator of every human being knows what everyone of us is designed for in life.

Because God made each of us for His Personal Glory, it is only His prerequisite to execute His plan in us.

Many people today take pleasure in adopting children; others for godly and or sympathetic reasons, while others for selfish and even demonic motives. But whatever the reasons, God should be involved so that the ultimate goal should be appropriated.

The worse intent for child adoption is the search for an alternative due to barrenness or childlessness. There are a few examples in the Bible that God disputed with; but this is very prominent for this lesson, when Sarah opted for a son from her maid; it was disastrous of God’s plan for Hagar.

Wait and trust the Lord God Almighty to give you children and never in your human initiatives or someone’s counsel!     

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