Sunday 19 July 2015


When God created the first man out of the dust, He installed His breath of life into him. From God comes forth only life. Death is detested by God. He hates the death of the sinner.

As Christians, and as we take after the Lord Jesus CHRIST; our focus and orientation is to promote life and never death. Jesus Christ admonished us to follow the pattern of life alone by healing the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead… Matthew 10

We must learn the celebration of life than follow the pattern of the world of proclaiming death over all media platforms. Many regard sad news as the most attractive, and so they will always want to be the first to announce the death of a friend, relative, neighbor etc.

Let’s never be agents of Satan as errands of propagating death. When people are sick, let us organize prayer vigils for them to live. There is never an amount of faith teaching that can aid a dying person; they can only trust God more when in the right mind.

Many of us believers should learn to help millions in the church to accept Christ-likeness in terms of divine healing by faith. Upholding to our denominational teachings at the detriment of the Bible is an abomination before God!

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